Enhancing Longevity

Everyone born of a woman desire to live long and eat the fruits of their labour. It is not so strange to have such desire. Everyone can attain that by adhering to the health principles that enhance longevity. God have providence for longevity but each time we follow the trend of flesh and deception of Satan to eat anything and anyhow, we miss the goal of such providence. Living with the consciousness of nature and the toxins around it will empower us to experience longevity. Though, there will be boredom, sickness, even death but then, we must do our own part. 

Connecting with nature is a road map to good health and longevity. Giving time to admire and experience nature brings healing to your soul and body. You will be connected to God, and your natural needs to survive on this planet. You depend on eating fresh vegetables, fruits and engage in preparing some natural products for yourself and your family members. You may consume flesh, such as fish and meat but you will prefer the ones God pronounced clean and without chemicals. Also, you should remember to eat small quantities at a time. Gluttony will not enhance longevity.

Re-calibrate your thinking to understand time and season. Decide to know God methodology for longevity via time and season. God created night and day from the beginning to enhance longevity. You rest at night and work during the day. Thus, the activities of night are different from the ones you engage during the day, likewise what you eat to enable your body system to rest at night and work during the day are different. We have different seasons across the globe for varieties of purposes as God created them. I know of raining season that brings forth natural products such as fruits, vegetables, herbs and other foods for the nourishment of body. Also, there are other plants that due for harvest during dry season and other seasons. Hence, God have provisions for fruits, vegetables and other food products that are harvested and consume at their seasons. Do you know that if you endeavour to eat fruits and vegetables that are in season to satisfaction, they will keep you healthy till their next season? There are technologies to preserve fruits, vegetables, herbs and foods but do not subscribe to the ones with chemicals. 

Your daily activities are essential to your longevity. You need water, sun shine, exercise, positive thinking, contentment, etc, to insert the atoms of longevity into your life every moment. What you drink and eat everyday is a measure of how comfortable and effective you want to live your life. What goes into your body at the early stage of your life determine how healthy you will be when you grow older. Some individuals could not drink water without adding cubes of sugar, to them it is tasteless. Some will boil, beans, rice, plantain, yam and cocoyam with sugar, adding to natural sugar already embedded in them. Most of the plantain chips we buy from the shopping malls nowadays have refine sugar. Some house hold meals must have chemical seasonings and refined salt. Many of us cannot survive a day without carbonated drinks. Only few, are not guilty of these deadly actions but enhance longevity in their daily living. I wonder if some of our fore fathers and mothers would wake up from their deaths and see what we are cooking and eating nowadays, it will be a lot of pity. No wonder there are diseases and premature death everywhere. 

It takes a step daily to enhance longevity. The first step may be boring and discomforting but the other steps will be hopeful and rewarding. Determine to enhance longevity.

I shall come up again on this platform in continuity of this series “Enhancing Longevity”

Until then, embrace natural lifestyle to enhance longevity

Folayemi Adekola

crowneternal organic foods

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