Chronic diseases and healthy diet


By T.A. Alonge & B.M Oladimeji

  • “Let Food be thy medicine and medicine thy food”
  • What we eat can put our body in serious conditions of chronic diseases.

What are chronic diseases? 

  • Long-term illnesses that are non-communicable and largely preventable
  • Examples include diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, dental diseases etc.
  • They remain the leading cause of death in the world1.

Causes of chronic diseases? 

  • Poor nutrition, age, physical inactivity, tobacco use, excessive alcohol etc 2

How can chronic diseases be prevented? 

  • Healthy Diet
  • A diet that maintains or improves one’s overall health. 
  • A diet that provides the body with all the necessary macro and micronutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, healthy fat, mineral, vitamin and antioxidants. 
  • Diet rich in nutrients help build the immune system and reduce oxidative stress. 
  • As a result of urbanization and the global economy, there has been a significant change in the eating pattern and lifestyle of individuals, which has influenced the population, health and nutrition.
  • Avoid foods with: high-fat content (saturated fats), food additives, high amounts of salt, and refined carbohydrates (sugar), 
  • Embrace balanced nutrition (unsaturated fats – olives, nuts, oily fish, shellfish, lean protein foods, lean beef, dairy, legumes -beans, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables), 
  • Embrace physical activity.

In summary

Diet plays a key role as a risk factor in the emergence of chronic disease. A healthy diet in conjunction with healthy life choices can help reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases and improve quality of life.

  1. World Health Organization (WHO). WHO reveals leading causes of death and disability worldwide: 2000-2019. World Heal Organ. 2020;(1).
  2. CDC. About Chronic Diseases | CDC. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).

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